Act II

An impressive thrust of warm air has pushed the surface freezing line all the way into Wake county near Raleigh.  But it looks like that’s about as far west as it will make it.  Which means that eastern Wake will stop accruing ice, while western Wake accrues through the night.  Although, a more northerly flow later may push the freezing line back a little more to the east toward morning.

The near freezing temps will mean that ice accrual totals will fall under the crippling 1/2″ thresholds.  Still, western Wake and points west will realize several tenths of ice, which will be enough for power outages, especially as the winds kick up into the 20s with gusts in the 30s.

Then tomorrow as the colder air wraps around the backside of the storm it seems likely that we will see a period of snow showers to the tune of 1-3″ of snow.  The farther north, the more likely greater accumulations…something we’ll have to nowcast tomorrow.

Goodnight and here’s to keeping your power!

Comments (1)

  1. 11:34 PM, February 12, 2014Mom  / Reply

    Amen to keeping our power!

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